Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First few days on Mackinac Island

Hey yall!
So Ive been on mackinac island for about 10 days!
I have a few pictures to share, and a few things to say. Although its going to take me awhile to get the pictures up because it takes so long to load, I promise they will be worth it! There is no internet in my room whatsoever. I am currently at a Starbucks, on my day off, getting some internet addiction fix. While I sit here writing I can see all the fudgies (non-mackinac islanders) outside the window. The kids are practically running down the street, while the parents with a huge backpack and camera around their neck are chasing after them. A huge box of fudge can be seen at almost any time, and the smell of horse manure is ripe!

Listening to a soothing Norah Jones voice, and sipping my delicious chi latte takes me away from the business from the street, into the quiet cafe.

I wrangle butterflies for my job at Wings of Mackinac. Thats fancy talk for I work the cash register and walk around the conservatory. Its actually really relaxing because its so warm, there's chill music being played and there are butterflys flying all around you. Easiest job ever! In the morning I open the shop by wiping down benches and picking up dead butterflies in the conservatory. During the day I either answer questions about the butterflies or I work in the gift shop, taking/selling tickets to the conservatory and selling merchandise. At the end of the day we close the shop by sweeping, windexing windows, and taking out the trash.

My roommate is ammmazing! So strange working with someone you work with everyday!Waiting for everyone to still get to the island to start going out! There arent enough island workers to go crazy! and most of the workers are over 21 so they go to the bar! waiting for underagers to get here!
The last 3 nights weve gone on adventures with people. Everyone is trying to make friends so its easy to meet a ton of people! Since I live in the building where the Carriage Tour people do, Im making a lot of friends who drive the hourses and give tours every day.
The adventures we take consist of going to sites on the island, such as arch rock, fort holmes (highest point on island) and going to the lake. Last night I learned how to skip rocks!

Last few minutes before getting off the main land!

My mother and I! Shes amazing! Thanks for helping me move over momma bear!

My personal luggage carrier on the boat! So many things to move over to the island!

Main Street on Mackinac Island

Main Street on Mackinac Island

First night on Mackinac Island. View from my dorm window! You can see the lake!

The conservatory where I work!

Wrangled Butterfly

Wrangled Butterfly

Like I said, The pictures are really slow at loading. I loaded these few in 30 minutes total. When I have more time I will upload some more! Many many many to share! 

Cant wait to tell everyone more adventure stories of my work at Mackinac Island!

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