Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lessons Learned from MSU.

Thinking back on the last 8-9 months spent at MSU, I know that I am so lucky to have all of those experiences.
I remember going to Grand Rapids Community College, hating living at home, with no freedom, and the best grades ever. I wanted to be free so bad. I applied to Michigan State as soon as I could, and not only Michigan State, but I applied to every and any college I could get into.

I never ever ever ever thought I'd go to a Big 10 school. Ever. I never considered myself smart enough. I never thought I had the capabilities. To be accepted made me feel like I could do anything with my life, and I can. I will. I am so proud of all that I have accomplished and overcome this last year.

I remember my first day moving into MSU. It was sunny, 80 degrees, I rode a motorcycle for the first time, and I couldnt wait to get out and meet people and start my life here.
This post is dedicated to everything Ive learned this last year at Michigan State. The good, and the bad. I think they both need to be documented.
This includes things that I am not necessarily proud of, and things that I want to tell the world about.
Hope you enjoy what Ive learned. Feel free to judge me for whatever I post to the whole world to

Heard this song the first night at MSU.

Lessons Learned from MSU...

~I do not get the "Party Girl" title by any means
~My mom and I have the most amazing relationship when I live under a different roof than hers
~I can get ready for class in under 20 minutes
~Going to bed at 11pm is very unusual for many people, so prepare to get mocked
~I can actually paint and draw with practice. I believe it to be a learned skill.
~I can get promoted in the work place, and then put down by employees right after
~Naps are a definite must!
~Frat parties...are the best...
~House parties...are the best.... (Blue House)
~"boys right now will only tell you they want to marry you to get into your head and mess with you." -Skeeter
~I started taking anything free that anyone was passing out..a laundry bag for the college of agriculture, the can of sunkiss that the Sunkiss van was handing out...
~Falling asleep to "Beamer, Benz, or Bently" being blasted maybe one of the best things youll experience
~Riding a motorcycle is like nothing Ive ever experienced. The best. Doooo itttt!
~Green beer turns your mouth green.
~The problem isnt you dont have time to do your homework, the problem is you have too much time to do anything but homework
~Procrastination is an Art
~Before you look at a guy in a boyfriend sense, see them in a friend sense. He is a completely different person than you knew...but he wasnt. Hes always been this way, and you never saw it.
~Laugh at the boy who cant be without a girl, who cant be independent. Beware.
~Never try and put a drunk girls shoe kick it off. The next day shell ask why one of her feet are dirty...hilarious
~Go out with a bunch of random people youve never met before, youll make some serious friends (peter, andrew, jackie, brett).
~Dishes arent dirty until they have mold in them
~I thought everyone at MSU would be Not everyone. People drop after one semester, and people ride with a 2.2.
~See different people at the same time. Keep your options open. Go on dates, but until they ask to be exclusive or be official, why should you make them your number one priority.
~Pimpin' aint easy.
~Pray that they have toilet paper in Frat bathrooms...
~Learn that there will never be toilet paper in Frat bathrooms unless you ask a brother specifically for it.
~You can never get the right temperature in the dorm room
~The freshman 5 (or 15...) is going to come whether you like it or not!
~Standing at a bus stop with a clown doesnt surprise me in the least.
~You get used to having low expectations for the cleanliness of a frat house
~Spending money is way too easy. Get a job. Save.
~Seeing a horse outside a hall isnt strange anymore...anything happens here.
~Acetone will ruin acetate!
~Sometimes you gotta let your pride go, say you werent prepared, and drop the class
~The food menu is saved on my browser
~Boys will randomly come up to you and give you THEIR number. Psh! screw handing out YOUR number! (thanks Tobin)
~You never learn last names. Ever.
~Movies are free here!!! (popcorn isnt...)
~Getting sick while at school is the worst possible thing to happen. Between the cafeterias, the showers, and the roommate, its just not a good combo.
~Beer never seems to have an expiration date... (google that one!)
~The trash can be a mile high...and only YOU will take it out...
~Never take $120 as a weeks pay for dogsitting (sleeping in the bed with the dogs required)
~Youll learn the greatest songs, that you never would have heard elsewhere
~You will lose your I.D., wallet, and/or keys at least once. And if youre lucky, youll lose your shoes too. :)
~Skype has never been so fun
~Football games are awesome. (I assume Basketball is amazing too!) Go to at least one.
~You have the choice to accept or turn down the guy who drunk dials you at 2am. Reject it.
~Going to the mall becomes a serious adventure, between waiting for the bus...the long bus ride...
~Get prepared for the bus door to shut on you
~When the beers gone, walk around the room, and pick up all the half full/almost gone beers, and combine them into one (beware, this is how mono is spread...I wouldnt know.)
~Single doesnt mean im looking...
~Finals week will be horrible. No one will hang out. The library is packed. And you wont get any sleep for a week.
~Textiles class is AWESOME
~Throwing your hair up in a sloppy pony tail becomes a "hair style"
~Anything can be celebrated, and break out into a party: ex. Bin Ladin's death, Easter, or Snow day ("getting slizzard in the blizzard")
~There is a dating section of Dont make a profile...go out.
~When dating someone in college, you can either A. gain more friends, or B. not make any more friends. Be careful of how you act while in a relationship. After getting out of my 5 month relationship I met a TON of people. Some of the best. The last 2 months of MSU was absolutely the best...because I had so many friendships, rather than a boyfriend. You can have both, but you've been warned of what MAY happen.
~Haters gon Hate! And ex's gon hate even harder (they shall talk smack like its their job!)...
~West circle has alot of fun events that only people in west circle really know about!
~Dont like your roommate? Move.
~Dont like Dubstep? Too bad.  You will be forced to listen.... :)   "wait for the drop"  (sample)
~Caf food is not bad at all..and at the same time, its disgusting
~People will make up the most ABSURD stories about you when they have no idea who you are. Worst one I got was that I was prego and had an abortion..WHAT? where do people come up with this stuff??? Stupid
~You and your roommate will have either 1. the best bond ever. or 2. the worst bond ever. Going in blind is a risk!
~You will run into a lot of the people you meet on the weekends when walking around campus.
~There is literally NEVER a dull moment.
~Random people will recognize you from blogging for MSU... :) strange!
~You'll have the greatest stories to tell your friends!!!

I <3 MSU

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