Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Want a few crazy work stories?

This post is dedicated to a few crazy stories from work. Im a supervisor at a caf on campus, called the Gallery. This last semester was crazy, and Id like to share 2 great stories with all the readers.

1. OOPS! Someone spilled yogurt on the floor! Gotta go clean it up. So I grab the mop and a Level one follows behind me. Her name is *Sarah*. Now sarah is kind of an awkward girl...kind of strange. But I let her entertain me anyways while I mop up this mess. I dont know what I was even saying, but apparently I said the word "Retarded". I mustve said "yeah thats retarded" or "wow this is retarded" or idk! I dont even remember what Sarah and I were talking about at the time. All of a sudden I get a smack on the head. Not a nice love tap, nor a harsh slap either. But enough to make be be like WTF??? This was not in a corner either. It was pretty open for every customer to see. I was like "what was that for" and Sarah was like "Just because your a supervisor doesnt mean you get better treatment than anyone else who says that!".."says what????"..."retarded"
So I got hit in the head for saying retarded. I apologized of course, because I clearly didnt mean to offend her.
YOU DONT HIT SOMEONE. Im pretty sure we learn this in Kindergarten. Dont hit. and I would never ever think of hitting someone, especially if they were above me in the work place. Just because something offends you doesnt mean you HIT them. You dont get violent.
So I go to my Supervisor (not my manager) and tell him the story. He looks at me and says "Well you probably offended her."
He didnt do anything. He thought it was fine. So not only did I get a Level 1 hitting me in front of the cafeteria, my supervisor didnt back me up at all making me feel super stupid.

2. A usual dinner shift was taking place: Many people were entering the caf., my ex had his shifty eyes a'movin, and supervisors were staying real busy. Soon enough, the supervisors and others working in stations noticed a guy walking around and flirting with girls. He was flirting with workers and customers. He had asked my girlfriend, *Cassie* (working with me at the time) if shed like to sit with him and talk, and that she was really beautiful, and if she had a boyfriend. Cassie was so creeped out she said to his face "youre making me uncomfortable". He was there for about an hour and probably talked to about 30 girls. He would follow them, and try to get with them. It was way more creepy than it sounds. He was making everyone super uncomfortable. All of the workers kept their eyes on him the whole time he was there, to make sure nothing extreme happened.
Eventually a girl working at a front desk in the building called the police.
They arrived and escorted him out.
Turns out the cops had been looking for this guy for 3 days!!!! Apparently he had been creeping around the area and freaking many girls out, enough to make several reports on the guy!!!
He didnt even go to Michigan State! Just creepin round campus!
Be safe everyone. Carry pepper spray..and if you dont have that, hairspray works just fine. Ever got hairspray in your eye?? ...yeah not pretty. Works just as well.
Its hard though. When you get to college you become more social, and talk to strangers more and get to know people. Just be on the lookout for creeperssss!!!

**Name Changed.

Oh gosh! If only there was enough room to write all of my stories from working at Wendys for 2 years. now THOSE are some quality stories to tell!!!!!!!

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