Thursday, March 24, 2011

After a while, you just want to be with the one who makes you laugh.

Lots to get out. Random thoughts on random subjects.

Weather: Hello???? was it almost spring? bout to send my leather jacket and adorable flats to my room..but wait! on my walk home from work last night, the sidewalks and streets had a beautiful (yet scary) sheet of ice on it.

East Asian Art History: Cant understand a word my prof says. Everyone falls asleep in class. Cant pronounce a word that I need to know.. I'm eating Fritos twisted flavor and its super loud in class...

If were born single, will we die single?
A guy Ive recently been seeing and talking to, suggested that when it comes down to it you die alone. Even if you   are married, have lots of friends, or your family is with you. Its a journey that you alone will take.

When Im in a bad mood about being single, I watch several episodes of Sex and the City (doesnt matter which season) and stuff my face with pringles, goldfish, and chocolate covered pretzels...not to mention the diet coke.
The down side of this bad habit is I get a bad stomach ache afterwards...good new, I feel 10 times more emotionally stable!

Sex and the city quote: "I decided to move from one addiction to another:shoes."
Sex and the city has sooo many good quotes. I have a whole note on fcbk that I made about 2 years ago with the best of Sex and the City quotes... want another?
Samantha: Well, let's just say it: you won. 
Carrie: Was there a contest? 
Samantha: Oh please! There's always a contest with an ex. It's called "who will die miserable." 

OMG! Tutors!
Horrible. I hired that tutor...and he had NO idea what he was doing. I was paying $10 an hr for NOTHING. So I fired him (he has no idea) and started going to help labs...well there are so many people there that it took over an hour for someone to help me...
So I hired my ex boyfriend. Slippery Slope? Nah. He took the class last semester and can teach me and help me with every subject. Today he helped me in under an hr and fixed my programing problem that I just couldnt figure out.
I pay him the same that I did my tutor. Hopefully it all works out!

Coloring hair. Let me tell you. If you have dark brown hair, dont try to bleach it yourself. I do it all the time. and at first i think it looks good, but as the days go by I end up longing for my dark brown hair again. Im sure if you get it done by a professional and arent using box coloring then it would look better..but the at home stuff...lets say no.

Now that you know my opinion on everything you didnt need my opinion on..Have a great day!

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