Wednesday, June 29, 2011


What Im doing right now.
I wish I could upload a photo to show you what I am doing.
The only internet I can get on the island is my friend, Jessica's internet from her phone.

What I am looking at as I type: A green lawn, with several green painted wood lunch tables, kites attached to poles flying above me, the clear blue lake with a few white caps, Shelper and StarLine boats taking off into the shore, a white and red light house that stand in the distance.
I am blogging on a shore line. On an island. With my friends close by reading books.
I couldnt ask for more.

Yes the lack of internet is annoying as all get out...but to be able to say that I am living the most amazing life is a wonderful thing to say.

Last night some friends and I were hanging out. One person brought up how they wouldnt change anything in their past because they were so happy that it made them who they are today. Agreed.
Everything that I have done has lead me to this wonderful life I am living now. I have the most amazing friends and family. A beautiful home, and two amazing jobs.

To remember my time here on Mackinac I have started a scrap book. It has a toooon of stuff in it! I seriously cannot wait to share it with all of you!

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