Sunday, June 26, 2011

You know you're a poor college student when......

~The laundry detergent acts as a door stop
~Your Ramen bowl and root beer cup is one in the same
~Your "cup" for your Rootbeer is actually a large Tupperware
~Flowers are occupying the ONLY cup in your room
~Your Ramen is cooked in the microwave
~The fan acts as a filter for the fish bowl
~The carpet along with a few pillows act as the couch
~Your laptop is the big screen TV
~You have ravioli spots on the did they get there..and they're in the next room too???
~You dont leave your soap in the bathroom (community bath)
~You wait until the dishes have mold in them before washing them. Other things can pass as bowls and cups till you get around to it.
~Your closet resembles a locker
~When you call the jank bookcase "nice furniture" in the room
~When you have to call the Taxi Office to unlock your room
~You have wall stickers
~You Febreze your clothes to save on laundry money and time
~"headed home" is walking 5 steps to the next room

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